Saturday, July 11, 2015

Waiting Game... hard to sit and wait for my first book to publish.  There has been some interest in people looking at the book's Smashwords site and even a few sample downloads.


Meanwhile back at the ranch...I have been busy working on my next book.  Not sure of the title yet but it is Book 2 in the series.  Very interesting.  I had read and found it in the first book, that sometimes something you did not plan comes up and the book takes on a whole new direction. That is what happened the last few nights.  Just when I begin to wonder where some decision will go, it launches into a whole new chapter!  I will be placing excerpts from the next book here after I get it through draft one and two (I would hate to reveal how 'they's were originally written as 'the's and other such things,but when the ideas are flowing, the grammar is not as important as getting the ideas down on).

Anyway gotta get back too it.

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