Monday, November 19, 2018


Matt Kendrick over at Prattlefog & Gravelrap did a wonderful interview of me and a few other authors on Indie Publishing, The Joys of Self-Publishing.

Thanks Matt!

I hope you all will click over to see his website and read the article.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Thanksgiving!!! Shameless promo!

Good Evening!

For this Thanksgiving I am giving away my book 2 of The Way of the Horse Series in a Thanks-for-Giving way.  Use the following coupon to get "Here and Now" for FREE at Smashwords:  UF98E

The coupon is public so just click the yellow "Buy with Coupon" button in the upper right corner and read away.

Check out Book 1, "Memories of a Distant Future" as well since it is free too!

If you aren't interested in either of these, feel free to browse around Smashwords and find something else you might like.

Thanks and I hope you find something you can enjoy for Thanksgiving!!!


Friday, November 2, 2018


I did not realize how long it had been since I had posted.  I apologize to those who might of wondered.  Life gets in the way often times and I have been busy with that.  But I am hoping to be able to get going again.

Book 3 cover design by WillowRaven is coming along and I hope to see something soon.  I am also seriously contemplating book revisions, title revisions and cover redesigns to see if I can up the quality of the last few books.  Those are also thanks to Willowraven who has been a huge asset!  You might check out her website linked above and see what all she has going.  From our discussions, I have learned where I might have gone wrong and what might need to change to be more in line with this genre.

I have also picked up a few new hobbies and those kept me busy over the summer as well.  I am looking forward to the winter to actually sit down and write some more.

I hope everything in your life is good and that as the holidays approach, you will find joy with family and friends.