Friday, May 26, 2017

Reviews of Memories of a Distant Future

Review by: L. G. Cullens on Oct. 04, 2016 :  5 STARS
Review by: L. G. Cullens (author of Calan's Eden) on Oct. 4, 2016

As the author notes in his book description, a current day young man finds himself several hundred years in the past, in a North America before Europeans began to arrive. He recognizes the terrain of northern Wyoming, but is understandably confused by the absence of modern man's hand. So begin his adventures in a time closer to Nature.

The story is both awe inspiring and endearing, especially to me in being familiar with both the locale and people depicted. To those that look for depth in a story, the author's use of a simpler setting brings out humankind's good and bad proclivities.

My only issue with this book was the author's stumbling, drawn out start, where he might have better captured the reader's mind's eye and attention. I got over such though, as the author quickly hit his stride in presenting an engrossing story.

This isn't the kind of book where one can note snippets to interest potential readers, so I'll say only that many should find this book an immersing and enjoyable read.

Kim rated it 5 STARS

it was amazing

This is the best book I'd ever read. I love how the story in the beginning until the end. M.D. Robinson knows how to create a story and this is it. I want to read more of his books.